Push Notification Plugin Changelog
1.0.0 -- (tbd)
- New minimum server requirement: 4.8.0
- Issue 34: Replaced all usage of code removed or deprecated in Openfire 4.8.0
0.9.3 -- August 31, 2023
- Issue 34: Marking that this version (and implicitly, earlier versions) are not compatible with Openfire 4.8.0
0.9.2 -- July 20, 2023
- Added Portuguese translations (by Miguel Veiga)
- Issue #31: Add admin console page to configure plugin
0.9.1 -- July 6, 2022
- Issue #25: Allow configuration 'options' to be absent
0.9.0 -- October 27, 2021
- New minimum server requirement: 4.6.4
- Issue #26: Make compatible with Openfire 4.6.4 and later
0.8.1 -- October 27, 2021
- Last version of the plugin that is compatible with Openfire 4.6.3 and before (see Issue #26)
0.8.0 -- February 5, 2021
- Issue #15: Define minimum server requirement (4.3.0).
- Issue #19: Prevent ClassCastExceptions after reloading/updating the plugin.
- Issue #22: Fix bug with clients that send 'enable' without any optional options (like Siskin).
0.7.0 -- April 26, 2020
- Issue #6: Add content to push notifications that allow them to wake up an IOS app
- Issue #7: Rate-limit the amount of push notifications being sent per user
- Issue #12: Feature should be announced on the user's account
0.6.0 -- March 6, 2020
- Initial release.
- Issue #3: Avoid push notifications for anonymous users