Registration Plugin Readme

On 30 October 2020, the git repository was rewritten to remove unrelated content from this repository.


The registration plugin allows admins to configure various actions whenever a new user creates an account.


Copy the registration.jar into the plugins directory of your Openfire installation. The plugin will then be automatically deployed. To upgrade to a new version, copy the new registration.jar file over the existing file.


The registration plugin is configured via the "Registration Properties" sidebar item located in the "Users" sidebar item under the "Users/Groups" tab in the Openfire Admin Console. By default, after the registration plugin has been deployed all of its features are disabled. To enable a feature of the plugin select the checkbox next to the feature and then click on the "Save Settings" button. The registration plugin has various items that can be configured:

  • Account expiry - Disables new accounts after a certain amount of time has passed.
  • Registration Notification - Contacts can be configured to receive an instant message and/or email to notify them whenever a new user registers.
  • Welcome Message - A message that will be sent to a user when they first register.
  • Default Group - A group that all users will be added to when they first register.
  • Web Page Registration - Allows users to create accounts via a web page.
  • Default Privacy List - A privacy list added and set as default for all users when they register.
  • Default Privacy List

    The format used is an XML that should look like :

    <item action="deny" order="100" type="subscription" value="none">
    The enclosing list tag is needed, but none of its attributes are read. Inside it you can have multiple items.

    Using the Plugin

    Presently, after the registration plugin has been configured nothing else needs to be done to use it.