XML Debugger Plugin Changelog
1.7.6 -- November 21, 2023
1.7.5 -- December 4, 2020
- [Issue #20] - Add timestamps to console output
1.7.4 -- December 1, 2020
- [Issue #16] - Outbound stanzas should be logged.
1.7.3 -- January 11, 2020
1.7.2 -- January 23, 2019
- [OF-1641] - Ensure all JSP pages have the correct contentType.
- [Issue #2] - Update the Debugger plugin to use the SLF4J->Log 4J2 bridge
1.7.1 -- July 11, 2018
- [OF-1550] - XML Debugger plugin fails to display admin console page
- [OF-1551] - Allow the admin-ui to enabled the Interpreted XML option of the Debugger plugin
- [OF-1552] - Allow the Debugger plugin to log to a file
- [OF-1571] - XML Debugger: Does not log received C2S messages
1.7.0 -- March 6, 2017
- [OF-1299] - Debugger plugin should not print encrypted or compressed data.
- [OF-1300] - Debugger plugin should display remote address.
1.6.0 -- June 20, 2016
- [OF-1152] - Ensure that the plugin prints raw XML.
- Requires Openfire 4
1.5.0 -- October 12, 2015
- [OF-953] - Updated JSP libraries.
- Requires Openfire 3.11.0.
1.4.0 -- Oct 20, 2014
- Updated for MINA 2.0.x API changes. Requires Openfire 3.10.0.
1.3.0 -- Sep 13, 2013
1.2.0 -- May 26, 2008
- Added connection managers monitoring support.
- Added configuration from admin console.
1.1.0 -- March 28, 2007
- Added external component monitoring support.
1.0.0 -- September 5, 2007