Preparing Openfire for Audio/Video calls with Conversations
April 26, 2020
by Guus der Kinderen
Later this week (editor's note: this was originally written in April 2020), the popular Android client Conversations will have an exciting new release that will allow you to make voice and video calls.
For this to work well with your instance of Openfire, it is recommended to make use of a STUN and TURN service. I've personally experimented with [coturn](, which I've found easy to use.
After you've set up the STUN and TURN service, you'll need to configure Openfire to expose the availability of this new service to your users. You can do this easily with the External Service Discovery plugin for Openfire.
After you install the plugin, you can add your TURN and STUN services to its configuration, as shown below. This will allow clients to discover the availability of these services!

Take care to read up on the authentication mechanisms that are available in your TURN server, to prevent unrelated third parties from making use of your bandwidth.
That's all to it!
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