
Openfire 4.9.2
Openfire is a cross-platform real-time collaboration server based on the XMPP protocol. Read about the name change
As of Openfire version 4.7.0, a Java Runtime Environment (JRE) is no longer distributed with the Openfire release.
Checksums for Openfire distributables are available in the Github 'releases' section of the Openfire source code repository.
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Spark 3.0.2
Cross-platform real-time collaboration client optimized for business and organizations.
Checksums for Spark distributables are available in the Github 'releases' section of the Spark source code repository.
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Smack 4.4.8
Modular, portable and easy to use XMPP client library for Android and Java.
Maven Coordinates: org.igniterealtime.smack:smack-java8-full:4.4.8

XIFF 3.1.0
Flash XMPP client library (discontinued).
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SparkWeb 0.9.0
Flash based real-time collaboration web client (discontinued).
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