jmxweb Plugin Archive

Below is a list of versions that are available for the jmxweb plugin. To find other plugins, please review this listing of most recent releases of all plugins.

Plugins extend and enhance the functionality of Openfire. To install plugins, copy the .jar file into the plugins directory of your Openfire installation.

JmxWeb Plugin Readme

JmxWeb plugin is web based platform for managing and monitoring openfire via JMX. It includes hawtio, a lightweight and modular HTML5 web console with lots of plugins and jolokia a JMX-HTTP bridge providing a web based alternative to JSR-160 connectors.It also includes the mbeans from the java-monitor probe for openfire.



  1. Stop Openfire.
  2. Copy the jmxweb.jar file to the OPENFIRE_HOME/plugins directory.
  3. Restart Openfire.


If you want to monitor openfire JMX mbeans, enable JMX by adding the following to System Properties via the Web Admin Console or add into the table ofproperty.

  • xmpp.jmx.enabled (true or false)
  • (true or false)

If you want your admin users to recieve periodic summary emails of JMX, configure Opefire email service and add the following to System Properties via the Web Admin Console.

  • - (true or false)
  • jmxweb.crontrigger.schedule - (a cron-trigger expression. The default setting is "0 0 0/12 * * ?" which means run report daily, twice a day at 12 midnight and 12 noon.)
  • jmxweb.admin.username - any valid admin user name. Required if > is set to true
  • jmxweb.admin.password - the password for above admin user. Required if > is set to true

How to use

To access hawtio, point your browser at http://your-server:7070/hawtio

To access jolokia rest api from your javascript applications use URL http://your-server:7070/jolokia. Make sure you provide headers for basic authentication.

Releases Info File Version Released Openfire Version
Plugin JmxWeb Plugin
JmxWeb plugin is web based platform for managing and monitoring openfire via JMX.
README Changelog Download 0.9.1 Jul 20, 2023 4.3.0 +
Plugin JmxWeb Plugin
JmxWeb plugin is web based platform for managing and monitoring openfire via JMX.
README Changelog Download 0.9.0 May 9, 2018 4.3.0 +
Plugin JmxWeb Plugin
JmxWeb plugin is web based platform for managing and monitoring openfire via JMX.
README Changelog Download 0.0.7 Sep 30, 2017 4.1.5 +
Plugin JmxWeb Plugin
JmxWeb plugin is web based platform for managing and monitoring openfire via JMX.
README Changelog Download 0.0.5 Jun 20, 2016 4.0.1 +

The plugins below, so-called SNAPSHOTS, are build automatically by the continuous integration system. They represent the latest development, but are untested.

Snapshots Info File Version Built at Openfire Version
Plugin JmxWeb Plugin
README Changelog Download 0.9.2-SNAPSHOT Jun 27, 2024 7:15:44 AM 4.3.0 +
Plugin JmxWeb Plugin
README Changelog Download 0.9.2-SNAPSHOT Jul 20, 2023 4:57:19 PM 4.3.0 +
Plugin JmxWeb Plugin
README Changelog Download 0.9.1-SNAPSHOT Jul 20, 2023 3:05:07 PM 4.3.0 +
Plugin JmxWeb Plugin
README Changelog Download 0.9.1-SNAPSHOT May 3, 2023 7:57:42 PM 4.3.0 +
Plugin JmxWeb Plugin
README Changelog Download 0.9.1-SNAPSHOT Mar 28, 2023 9:09:12 AM 4.3.0 +
Plugin JmxWeb Plugin
README Changelog Download 0.9.1-SNAPSHOT Jan 31, 2023 3:44:07 PM 4.3.0 +
Plugin JmxWeb Plugin
README Changelog Download 0.9.1-SNAPSHOT Apr 21, 2022 1:26:24 PM 4.3.0 +
Plugin JmxWeb Plugin
README Changelog Download 0.9.1-SNAPSHOT Oct 27, 2021 1:37:05 PM 4.3.0 +
Plugin JmxWeb Plugin
README Changelog Download 0.9.1-SNAPSHOT May 21, 2021 6:39:18 PM 4.3.0 +
Plugin JmxWeb Plugin
README Changelog Download 0.9.0-SNAPSHOT Feb 15, 2021 10:00:45 AM 4.3.0 +
Plugin JmxWeb Plugin
README Changelog Download 0.0.9-SNAPSHOT Feb 12, 2021 9:23:55 AM 4.3.0 +
Plugin JmxWeb Plugin
README Changelog Download 0.0.9-SNAPSHOT Feb 12, 2021 9:22:14 AM 4.3.0 +
Plugin JmxWeb Plugin
README Changelog Download 0.0.9-SNAPSHOT Oct 27, 2020 3:56:03 PM 4.3.0 +
Plugin JmxWeb Plugin
README Changelog Download 0.0.9-SNAPSHOT Oct 27, 2020 3:51:24 PM 4.3.0 +
Plugin JmxWeb Plugin
README Changelog Download 0.0.9-SNAPSHOT Jul 1, 2020 6:45:27 PM 4.3.0 +
Plugin JmxWeb Plugin
README Changelog Download 0.0.9-SNAPSHOT Apr 2, 2020 1:44:13 PM 4.3.0 +
Plugin JmxWeb Plugin
README Changelog Download 0.0.9-SNAPSHOT Feb 11, 2020 3:14:48 PM 4.3.0 +
Plugin JmxWeb Plugin
README Changelog Download 0.0.9-SNAPSHOT Feb 11, 2020 2:31:16 PM 4.3.0 +
Plugin JmxWeb Plugin
README Changelog Download 0.0.9-SNAPSHOT Feb 11, 2020 2:16:09 PM 4.3.0 +
Plugin JmxWeb Plugin
README Changelog Download 0.0.9-SNAPSHOT Jan 31, 2020 7:25:25 PM 4.3.0 +